Identity Gatherers

José Vegar
2 min readOct 26, 2020

Knowledge Gatherers were present in the digital territory shortly after the impossibility of measuring the value of the information was diagnosed.

The identity of the collective immediately created numerous resistances.

Analysts catalogued the Gatherers as an entity designed in the laboratory by one of the most solid candidates for the superpower.

The objective, the analysts point out, is to try to ensure that the global mass of readers is directed to the information designed by the interest of the candidate.

The experts in the technological infrastructure, especially those most dedicated to the numerous typologies of data upload in the digital environment, have proposed for the Collective a political and cultural place of subversion of the dominant channels.

The aim, the experts deduce, is to make visible information that sustains minority positions of combat to the stabilized global systems of power.

The vigilantes risked the elaborate hypothesis that the collective is the product of a more complex operation by the political-technological giants that are today the leaders of the territory.

The objective, the vigilantes point out, is to share credible information, but tailored as a continuous support point for the giants’ domination plan.

The practice of the Knowledge Gatherers annuls the advanced hypotheses.

The Gatherers are the fragile response to the global inability to measure the value of information.

In one way or another, we all submit to the impossibility of finding solid references for shared information.

Platforms, nodes, flows and channels continuously inject information.

The capacity of these places is equivalent to the number of servers available and the cloud space allocated.

The formatting possibilities of the content are no longer cataloguable.

The authorship and factuality of the content are beyond any control.

Reference institutions, such as academia and traditional media, have lost their status.

The citizen no longer chooses them as a credible source.

Knowledge Gatherers know theirs is a fragile response, but believe it is one of the possible responses to this state installed in the world.

Knowledge Gatherers are a collective entity “connected horizontally”, as defined by Appadurai, which searches for references to find the exact measure of the value of each piece of information released in the virtual territory.

Gatherers search for data and information existing in the physical territory and the digital territory that serves the purpose of sharing decisive knowledge for the citizen of the world.

The mission remains the same as ever, the place of sharing now becomes this platform.


Knowledge Gatherers

Dispatch 1

Identity Collector

Knowledge Gatherers is a global collective dedicated to collecting, measuring value and sharing in plain text decisive information for the ordinary citizen.



José Vegar

Fieldwork & Narrative since 1969. Lisbon, Portugal.